Cornwall by Cornishlight
We are sorry but Cornishlight is unable to answer specific questions/requests for Tourist Information. The Cornwall Tourist Board's Holiday Information Call Centre on + 44 (0) 1872 322900
Looking for Accommodation ? Cornishlight itself has a growing number of nice Places to Stay, from Cottages, Camping, to Hotels, to B and B. to Last Minute and late availability. Thank you.
"Can you send me a Tourist Information brochure and details of TIC's addresses and phone numbers? Many of the Cornwall Tourism Organisations produce informative and eye-catching brochures.
"Can you send me a brochure about Cornishlight?"
We do not have a "Brochure" as such about Cornishlight. Hopefully the Site speaks for itself.
It is designed to be printer friendly and looks even better when printed in colour rather than black and white,
so feel free to print them out for your non commercial use.
Have a look at our wide choice of Accommodation ?
We do have high quality colour copies of all our pages,
and some eye-catching colour promotional literature about us we'd be happy to send you by snail mail.
Interested in a site of your own, or a page on
We have over 170 pages of information, that is excluding advertisements,
and thousands of nice (and unique) photographs. Our photo archive is one of the most
extensive in the County.
Many of our visitors come looking for places to stay, things to do.
Our Accommodation Section is one of the most visited on the site.
People like all the text and images on the pages, the way the site is laid out,
and its ease of navigation.
We have been selected to distribute many of the Official Tourist Guides
thro' online brochure request forms. All our sites are in a constant state of flux.
For example every year we take hundreds of new images,
there is always a delay of at least several months in uploading them.
If you feel something is missing it may be something we are working on-
such as the section on the Coast Path on Cornwall by Cornishlight.
It may be we have not got around to it yet,
or just not occurred to us you would find it interesting.
Though we have gone to a lot of effort
to ensure the accuracy and currency of all our sites,
we are only human, so sometimes miss the point,
information becomes out of date, things change,
or we have just plain got it wrong.
If you feel an update would be useful we would love to hear from you.
We rely on your comments, feedback and suggestions to improve,
and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
There is demand for nice accommodation. We sometimes release 30 day Trial Offers.
What are you waiting for? Contact us for details of current offers.
Check out our Price List |
Terms and Conditions.
Though we are not the cheapest we believe our
rates offer value for money.
Sadly there is no such thing as a free lunch so please
don't expect to have a paid listing for free.
Want a web-site of your own?. Why not have a look at our
web-site design section?
Cornishlight is listed in Yahoo.
How to get to Cornwall.
Have you read our Getting there page?.
It includes addresses and phone numbers of tourist information Centres.
Have you looked at all the great Internet Sites listed on the Cornishlight Links page?.
Read our Beach Guide and our Walking page?
Click here to request a Cornwall Tourist Brochure.
Sorry we have neither the time or resources to answer specific questions.
Obtaining a commercial right to the Images.
Licence rights start at £80GBP per image per year.
Any right will be for a one time limited print run non exclusive editorial use only.
Email us for our full terms of use and prices.
All our images are of course Copyright. All images are in the process of being digitally watermarked.
Want to buy a print?
Tried using our site search engine to find the location ?.
Still no joy? Then email us to see if we have it in our archive.
Don't forget to include the URL of the image, if you know it,
and your name, address and 'phone number. For full payment details Email us.
Terms of Use.
These include you having the courtesy to ask our permission, to include the words 'Copyright'
and put a prominent link back to our Site. All our images are of course Copyright.
All images are in the process of being digitally watermarked. Liked the layout of Cornishlight? The ease of navigation, the eye-catching content, even the speed of download?
We can do the same for you. Whether its one page or a hundred. With eye-catching graphics too.
Have a look at a selection from our Portfolio. all designed by Cornishlight.
Our web site design prices are very competitive.
One page may be all you require. The price of reliable web server space is dropping all the time.
It may well now be much cheaper than you thought.
Our Puffin Faq page contains lots more information on the Farnes,
Bass Rock, getting there, boat owners, accommodation Again, our Puffin Faq page contains lots more
information on the equipment, lens, film, software and computer hardware.
Some of the locations are on private property, so, no we will not tell you where! Have a look at Cornishlight's
Genealogy pages
for information on tracing your ancestors and lots and lots of useful genealogy links.
We are sorry, but Cornishlight does not have the resources to answer specific questions on your ancestors.
Do you know of other eye-catching well laid out Cornish or United Kingdom web-sites
with original informative and interesting content?
Perhaps we could arrange a reciprocal link.?
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Good Beach Guide |
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Cornish Coast |
Cornish Life |
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Walking |
Getting Here |
Cornwall Tourist Brochures |
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Questions on Cornwall, Getting there, and requests for more information
Commercial Use of Images.
Buying a print for Personal Use.
Obtaining a print of a specific location.
Webdesign and Domain Registration
Questions about Atlantic Puffins, Gannets, the
Farnes and Mull
Photography Questions.
Questions on your Cornish Ancestors,
and other Genealogy Questions
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Cornwall by Cornishlight A Travel Guide with Beautiful Pictures
Revised: 2013