Web Design Cornwall Uk- graphics and website design Cornishlight
Web Design Cornwall Uk- graphics Artwork, pictures and Graphics
Web design uk- graphics and website design ,
Your page(s) should include artwork pictures, and logos too,
since their use will make the pages more appealing.
Have a look at any of our listings ?
Don't you agree that use of colour and images has made for a nice looking page?
In the case of the web a picture does indeed say a thousand words.
Like the Cornishlight Banner shown right?
All the artwork on Kernow Passports' was produced by ourselves (except the Arms). We can even turn your brochure into fast loading, Search Engine friendly, easy to navigate web pages, like DIY Paving, or Red Barn Cottage . If you don't have artwork available we'd be delighted to produce some especially for you.
We can also, of course, take any photographs and adjust them for the Internet. In 1999 Cornishlight provided the images and text for Cornwall Connect's Launceston Page. One of our wildlife pictures was a Best of the Rest in BBC TV's Countryfile Photo97 Competition. Others have been published in magazines and travel brochures. In Spring 2002 we were commisioned to take all the photographs, indoor and outdoor, for Trethorne Cottage designed by Cornishlight.
Wondering about the two photographers.?
Well though neither earn their living from taking photographs,
one has a picture that was a 'Best of the Rest' in BBC TV's Countryfile Programme.
The award winning picture was the flying gannet on the Gannets page.
The original prints are often sharper than those seen here, but to reduce download time, and keep the pages to a size that people like, they have been adjusted for the web. Film stock is nearly always Fufi professional slide or print film. To see them at their best look at our High Resolution Slide Show.
You are welcome to use them for Personal non-commercial use provided you have the courtesy to ask our permission; include the words 'Copyright Cornwall by Cornishlight © http://www.cornishlight.co.uk'; and put a prominent link back to our Site.
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Interested in a web-site of your own or a listing on www.cornishlight.co.uk Then Contact Cornish Light for more details. Dont forget to include your phone number and we will call you back. You'll find that our Rates are reasonable, and your pages will be just as eye-catching and fast loading as Cornishlight's.
If you've not visited our site before please visit our Welcome page
Cornwall by Cornishlight A Travel Guide with Beautiful Pictures
Dont forget we Design web-sites too
Copyright Cornishlight 1998-2023
Revised: 2013