The Search Engines We should point out, that despite the claims made by some, if you are a local business it is unlikely that you will get hundreds of people looking at your web-site everyday from the search engines, for three reasons: there are not thousands of people out there that want to know about you, because the content on your site is likely to be limited, lastly because of the difficulty of achieving, and keeping a top ranking with the Search Engines. For example with a top ranking the traffic even the most popular Search Engine will bring say a local hotel is only likely to be a few people a day. This is compounded by many web sites having no chance of search engine prominence, because of the search engine unfriendly manner in which they are written. We know of numerous web sites that do not get more then one or two people a month looking at them from the Search Engines.
Cornishlight has lots of content, one of the reasons why people like the site. Lots of content widens a sites appeal hence more people will want to look it. Given their likely narrow content a local site would be exceptional to have 10 people a day looking at it from the Search Engines. (Referrals a week in web jargon) To be viable such sites would need to attract further visitors to their web-site by carefully chosen advertising with local or national Travel and Tourism web-sites such as Cornishlight and taking other measures which we are not prepared to discuss for free.
Not only should a web site be informative and have a clearly
defined content, but the pages should be eye-catching ,
fast to download and the whole site
easy to navigate. Peruse our growing Portfolio to see examples of our work.
The rise of handhelds, whether mobile phone or tablet must be considered as of early 2013 over 18% of all traffic was from such devices, and is bound to grow and grow. Is your website mobile device friendly? Will all the plugins work, can the whole page be viewed easily, are images too big to be seen unless dragged across the screen? All questions your designer should be able to answer.
Going back to basics, for most web-sites its also very important to include a means of contact on every page. Not doing so could cost your Business dearly. Take a breather and have a look at Kernow Passports a site we designed over 10 years ago. Eyecatching don't you think?
Enquiry Forms Excepting that some people get confused by forms and others are unable to remember their own email address, Enquiry Forms are still an ideal way to collect details from a potential guest, customer or client in a manageable, consistent and easily understood way. By careful choice and phrashing of the questions on the form you can ensure you will get all the information you need to process an Enquiry quickly.
Also why not have a look at Beautiful Devon our latest Tourist and Travel Site with lots of nice pictures. Its already listed in Yahoo, our third site to be listed.
When choosing someone to produce your pages, we suggest ask them to show you the following: examples of their work loaded straight from the Internet, not their laptops internal drive, so that you can see for yourself how long each page takes to load; details of how much traffic (unique user sessions per day in web jargon), if any, there is to each page; and the web site's ranking with the search engines for relevant keywords. Taking up references from satisfied clients would do no harm at all. In 2005 our Pictures from Great Britain site was getting thousands of unique visitors a week thanks to Yahoo. Does anyone remember Yahoo?
You will have access to the 'Visitor Statistics' for your pages, not just number of visitors, but where they came from , what pages they looked at, even what keywords they used to find you. And in a form that you can understand. Log analysis reports supplied by some are incomprehensible to the layman.
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Cornwall by Cornishlight A Travel Guide with Beautiful Pictures
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Revised: 2013